Est. over 15 years ago by lead trainer Lee D. Smith MSc, BSc (hons), BACPR, CRDET, FMSC

Choosing services for your own plan
Our Services
Choose from our In Person, Digital and Virtual personalised services
Restorative Exercise
Get ready to take control of your health. Imagine if you could feel like you did 20 years ago? Restore and repair your body and feel youthful again. Have confidence in yourself to move well without fear of pain or injury and regain your zest for life.
Preventative Healthcare
Invest in you. Treat your future self to the gift of good health and feel fit, strong and active at any age. Exercise and nutrition to support a longer and healthier life and cut the risk of lifestyle disease. Remember 'Prevention is better than cure'.
Fitness Over 50
Break the mould don’t feel old! Feel fit at 50 and beyond. The benefits are huge, not only will you be reducing your risk of numerous lifestyle diseases but you can also expect to: Live with vitality and live your life to the full.
Sports Conditioning
Perform at your Peak! Do you keep getting injured or feel your lack of specific fitness is affecting your enjoyment and performance. Whatever your sport or event, it will be broken down to its smallest parts to see where improvements can be made. Whether the issues are physical, biomechanical or nutritional - It's time to train like the professionals!
Nutrition Planning
Feed yourself well. Make food your friend again and build a healthy body by eating well. Full nutritional analysis of your diet, personalised nutritional and lifestyle advice to optimise your diet to help you lose weight, build muscle and restore vitality.
Workplace Wellness
A comprehensive plan to increase your employees’ (or staff) holistic health, fitness and well-being and minimising the amount of time they have off sick through injury illness as well as improve their overall productivity for you company. With the latest findings showing the true cost of sickness absence can be a substantial drain on any organisation; with private sector companies averaging 7.8 days lost per employee per annum and public sector figures show more serious rates of absence at 10.2 days lost. In these difficult times can your company afford not to take measures?