Est. over 15 years ago by lead trainer Lee D. Smith MSc, BSc (hons), BACPR, CRDET, FMSC
Preventative Health
Stay feeling young and healthy and remain active.
Carefully constructed, intelligent exercise programming and nutrition to support a long and healthy life whilst minimising the risks of lifestyle disease. Allowing you to have confidence in yourself to move well without fear of pain or injury and live your life to the full.
For life long health
Preventative Health is a core value at Aspire4health and our fitness programmes are designed with this in mind. Research tells us that regular targeted exercise and a good diet can significantly reduce the risk of developing lifestyle diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even some cancers.
And yet, many of us still do not take enough exercise and we fall prey to dangerous and debilitating conditions that can affect the rest of our lives. It is a stark fact that in the UK one in four people die of preventable disease (Office of National Statistics, 2018). Lifestyle diseases are preventable! If you want to take action but you're not sure where to start, we can help. Similarly, many of us ignore or put up with mobility issues or old injuries, such as knee or hip pain and assume it's just a natural part of life and accept it will worsen over time. This is not the case and we can help you prevent further pain and damage, and in many cases help restore mobility to the affected area. This helps you avoid or delay knee or hip replacement operations in later years.
We empower our clients to make positive changes to their health and help them learn how best to protect themselves from preventable disease and/or joint mobility issues in the future. We can help you do the same. It doesn't matter how old you are, if you have a pre-existing condition or if you have a family history of lifestyle disease. Prevent, Prevent, Prevent!
Understanding your fears and concerns
Working with you to create a blueprint for your life
Based on your requirements and Lee's extensive knowledge and the latest scientific research we take a holistic approach in creating a preventative health programme for you. We will work with you on this because we understand how worried people can be about their future health, especially if they have seen friends or family suffer debilitating illness or worse. We therefore build strong relationships with our clients and focus on what really motivates them and help them with whatever might be holding them back. Together we build an actionable health and fitness plan including nutritional analysis and tailored lifestyle advice that puts you, the client, back in control of your own health. For further information please visit our Specialist Personal Training and our Nutritional Planning pages or get in touch with us.
Stay feeling young and healthy and remain active for the whole of your life.
Don't let poor health or aches and pains stand in your way and stop you from doing the things you love.
Invest in your future health right now and start reaping the rewards within weeks. Making the right changes will improve the overall quality of your life and help you:
Reduce your risk of Lifestyle Diseases
Lose weight - feel better & more confident and have more energy for the things you love
Lower your blood pressure - reduce the risk of stroke
Strengthen your heart muscle - reduce the risk of hear disease
Increase bone density - reduce the risk of bone fractures
Improve balance - reduce the risk of falls and injury
Sleep well - feel energised when you wake up
Improve your posture - look younger and reduce back pain